Collecting Payments with ZAPP

Create as many—or as few—products as you need. With seven different fee categories, ZAPP does it all.

Jury or Application Fees

Set regular, early bird, or late fee rates in ZAPP. Once an artist pays your designated fee, you’ll receive their submission. No fee? No problem. Administrators can set their jury fee to $0 and artists can checkout for free.

Booth Fees

Booth fees are only visible to specific statuses, which ensures only those invited to your event can purchase a booth space. Add in single, double, corner, or other types of booths and set a deadline to ensure all of your fees are collected and spaces are reserved by your target date.

Deposit Product Types

Collecting deposits or offering flexible payment plans? We’ve got you covered. The Deposit product type automatically tags applicants without changing their status so you know which applicants have paid their deposit and can keep track of the ones who haven’t.

Set Quantities

Only sell the number of products (or spaces) you have available by setting quantities for those products. Once a product has met the quantity limit, it will show as “Sold Out” to applicants.

Image of the ZAPP Product Editor

Easy Reporting

Our comprehensive Income Breakdown Report tracks everything from payment type to the date and time of purchase to coupons used. Customize the report by excluding certain payments and pulling the revenue collected within a specific time frame.

Learn More About the Leading Art Festival Submission Tool Today