Data and Financial Reporting

Collect and download contact information, see answers to custom questions, manage jury results, view purchases made, and more.

Contact & Answers Report

  • Email Addresses
  • Phone Numbers
  • Websites
  • Physical Addresses
  • Collaborators
  • Associates
  • Answers to Custom Questions
  • Tags
  • Admin Comments
  • And more!

Download as a .csv, .tab, or .xlsx.

Jury Results

  • Medium Categories
  • Application IDs
  • Applicant Statuses
  • Scores by Juror
  • Juror Comments

Download juror scores by round for team review. Jurors can also download their own scores to review them independently.

Income Breakdown Report

  • Product Types
  • Total Cost
  • Credit Card Fees
  • Coupons Used
  • Payment Types
  • Purchase Time Stamps
  • And more!

Run a report for custom time periods based on your needs, include or exclude certain payment types, and review the revenue collected by show. Download this report or easily review it right from ZAPP.

PDF Reports

  • Contact Information
  • Websites
  • Answers to Custom Questions
  • Image Thumbnails
  • And more!

Download the PDF report for all artists, an entire status, or artist-by-artist for easy review. 

ZAPP Stores Your Data

So you can pull all of your information at any time. No additional fees. No matter how long you use ZAPP.