Trusted by over 900 Events

Why ZAPP? Nearly 70,000 artists use ZAPP to find and apply to events every year. Over 900 events trust ZAPP to manage their applications, host their juries, and sell booth spaces.

Manage Your Entire Application Process

Managing and communicating with your applicants has never been easier with our custom tagging, flagging, and mass communication tools. Designed to accommodate any application process.

Image of the event management table, showing the application ID, status, name, website, medium category, payments, date the application was received, and tags
Image of the Question Builder with "Enable Conditional Logic" circled.

Customize Your Application

ZAPP makes it easy to collect the information you need and want with conditional logic, flexible question types, and more.

Seamlessly Review and Score Applications

ZAPP has it all – whether you’re hosting a remote or in-person jury. ZAPP’s simple process makes reviewing, scoring and sending mass invitations easier than ever.

Image of the monitor jury scorecard, showing you can score images 1-5
Image of the ZAPP Product Editor

Securely Collect Payments

ZAPP is PCI compliant and can handle your fee collection—from application fees to booth fees. We do the work so you don’t have to.

Communicate Easily with your Applicants

ZAPP has the tools to handle all your communication needs. Email all applicants, tag or flag artists to send segmented messages, or send a single email to an applicant—right from ZAPP.

Image of the Communication Template Editor
Image of the artist citation page, showing a invitation that was sent to the artist through ZAPP

Pull Data and Financial Reports

ZAPP offers reports for your wide-variety of needs. Collect and download contact information, see answers to custom questions, manage jury results, view purchases made, and more.

Showcase Your Selected Artists

Easily showcase the artwork of your invited artists in a ready-to-use, digital gallery that can be hosted on ZAPP or embedded in your event website.

Gallery Sales Page

Learn More About the Leading Art Festival Submission Tool Today